SWS Barbara Rosenblum Scholarship for the Study of Women and Cancer

Subcommittee Chair: Angela Vergara, angela.vergara@ucf.edu

Subcommittee members: Adelle Monteblanco, Salema Mohamed, and Estefany Londoño

History and Overview:

The purpose of the scholarship is to encourage doctoral research in sociology, anthropology, psychology and related fields on women’s experience of breast cancer and other reproductive cancers and the prevention of these cancers. Another goal of the scholarship is to encourage scholars to make this type of research accessible to the public through speaking and publishing for lay audiences.
Deadline: April 1, 2024 at 11:59 pm EST

$2,500 will be awarded to support any aspect of doctoral research and/or publication and presentation of results from the date advanced to candidacy through one year after receiving the doctorate. Funds for travel are not available. The award will be presented at the annual Summer meeting of SWS in August. All applicants will have the opportunity to discuss their work with a member of the committee.


The candidate must identify as a woman with a feminist orientation who is sensitive to studying women’s cancers and their impact on diverse groups of women, including those of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, language, religion, geographical areas, and other cultural perspectives. The candidate must have an approved prospectus for doctoral research. The topic should be useful academically and should also have pragmatic and practical applications such as informing and empowering women, demystifying the disease, and/or having implications for the breast cancer epidemic more broadly. The scholarship is intended for researchers who plan to present their findings and applications to lay audiences as well as social scientists

To apply for the Barbara Rosenblum Scholarship for the Study of Women and Cancer please follow the directions after logging into your membership profile at: sws.memberclicks.net

A complete application includes:

  • submission of the awards form available via the SWS membership portal
  • electronic copy of your CV
  • electronic copy of your dissertation proposal or prospectus

Please do not send more than 15 pages. If the full proposal is longer, select the section or sections which most clearly describe what you are doing, who your subjects will be, and what methods you will use. If you are near completion, please include a brief statement describing the above and major findings.


Current Winner

2021 Trang Thu Đỗ

Link to Announcement 

Past Winners

2020 Aisha Abimbola Adaranijo

2019 Jane E. McArthur

2018 Emily Hallgren

2017, Deborah Ilaboya

2016, Cinzia Greco

2015, Jennifer James